Sari Sari Store

January 26, 2019 Food

A sari-sari store, or neighborhood sundry store, is a convenience store found in the Philippines. The word sari-sari is Tagalog meaning “variety” or “sundry”. Such stores form an important economic and social location in a Filipino community and is ubiquitous in neighborhoods and streets. Sari-sari stores tend to be family-run and privately owned operating within the shopkeeper’s residence. Commodities are displayed in a large screen-covered or metal barred window in front of the shop. Candies in recycled jars, canned goods and cigarettes are displayed while cooking oil, salt and sugar are stored at the back of the shop. Prepaid mobile phone credits are provided. The sari-sari store operates with a small revolving fund, and generally doesn’t provide perishable goods requiring refrigeration. The few that do, have refrigerators to store soft drinks, beers and bottled water.