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January 26, 2019 Lifestyle

Aside from the usual tourist attractions like diving and bar-hopping, the Philippines has many places to go hiking.


Beer Of Choice

January 25, 2019 Lifestyle

On a hot sunny day in the Philippines, nothing beats a “San Mig Light”.


Tricycle Ride

July 18, 2012 Lifestyle

Hopped into a tricycle to get home from the mall. After asking us where we lived the driver hit play on the music player. It was too funny, the music seemed to go with the stuff going on around us, I had to record it. One of the most fun rides I’ve had in a tricycle.

Men, Machines, and Friendship

March 11, 2012 Lifestyle

Back in 2008, after having lived in the Philippines for about a year, it came time to buy some personal transportation. During the year, what I noticed was that there were many people here who used motorcycles as their main mode of transportation, and I thought, “why not?”


McDonald’s: Philippines vs USA

March 1, 2012 Food, Lifestyle

Working for McDonald’s in the Philippines is a respectable job for a large franchise. Because of this, the people who work at McDonalds’s or any other fast food chain in the Philippines are very friendly, and do their jobs to the best of their ability.